I have been helping people quit smoking for near to a decade now, having been a smoker for more than a decade before.

I quit many times, using various methods available - online, books, hypnotherapy and even seminars. I was able to quit for varying duration before going back to cigarettes.

I have used my learning from various attempts to design a program which I believe will make you enjoy quitting cigarettes as much as you enjoy smoking them now.

no smoking sign on brick wall
no smoking sign on brick wall

The QUIT SMOKING program is about understanding your smoking pattern and behavior around it and changing perspective to make it easy to quit. This process works because you will find it easy to continue being a non-smoker long after you have undergone the program.

Consultation involves

  • 3-4 Hour session where we explore why we are addicted, the true nature of our addiction, and how we can let go of this addiction forever.

  • Up to 2 sessions in 30 day period for those who need reinforcing.

    The program can be done online, or in-person. Cost is Rs. 3000.

    Call/ message/ mail to know more about the QUIT SMOKING program.